Traumatic brain injuries can have long-lasting ramifications, and it’s very important for people who get injured to get treatment as soon as possible. Often, prompt treatment can help make recovery go much smoother. If you know or suspect that you've suffered a brain...
Repetitive stress injuries are those that occur because a particular part of your body has repeatedly been worn down. For example, if you perform the same movement with your shoulder every day, you could find that you soon develop a sore shoulder and, eventually, pain...
There is a lot of misinformation going around about Georgia workers' compensation. For example, you may have heard that your employer can automatically deny your workers' compensation benefits if you fail a drug test after an injury on the job. But the truth is that...
If you're a delivery driver, you know how important it is to be cautious on the job. Unfortunately, even the most careful drivers suffer work-related injuries. If you get injured on the job in Georgia, you need to know your options for getting all the workers'...
Foot and ankle injuries suffered at your job may not only ache — they can also disrupt your life in a major way. You might not be able to walk normally or drive for a while. You may have to stay out of work to recuperate. And you could have quite a bit of pain, too. ...
People don't generally think of grocery stores as hazardous places, but they certainly can be for workers and shoppers. In fact, each year in Georgia, people get seriously injured in a wide variety of ways in grocery stores and other retail stores. If you work in a...
If you work any type of transportation job in Georgia, you know your job can be dangerous in multiple ways. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 40% of work-related fatalities involved driving, and nationwide there has been a slight increase in...
In most situations, strokes and heart attacks are not directly job-related. But if your doctor is of the opinion that your job duties or job environment contributed to causing a stroke or heart attack, you may have a strong workers' compensation claim. The truth is...
A closed head injury means that the skull is still intact. There's no fracture. From the outside, the injury might not even look severe. Still, don't be be fooled. These types of injuries can be incredibly serious. If you suffer a closed head injury or any type of...
If you get injured at work or develop a work-related illness, you can file for Georgia workers' compensation benefits. However, mistakes are easy to make in the workers' comp process, and there are some things that you should do and some things that you should not do...