Your Guide To Weekly Workers’ Comp Checks
After a work injury, you probably have a lot of questions about workers’ compensation and what kinds of benefits are available in Georgia. Our workers’ compensation lawyers can answer your questions and help you get all of the benefits to which you are entitled.
We also put together this guide to weekly benefit checks, which injured workers can expect to receive through Georgia workers’ comp. For more information — and for a free consultation regarding your initial filing or appealing a denied claim — contact us in Atlanta today at 404-692-7474. We advise and represent injured workers and their families throughout Georgia.
Understand Weekly Workers’ Comp Benefits
Here are some important things to know:
- When you are injured on the job and the doctor has taken you out of work for more than seven days, you are entitled to weekly income benefit checks.
- As of July 1, 2019, the maximum weekly workers’ comp benefit rate in Georgia went up to $675 per week. So if you were injured AFTER that date, the rate went up to $675 per week. And that is tax free. Before July 1, 2019, the maximum benefit rate was $575/week.The amount you receive is two-thirds (about 66 percent) of your average weekly wage before taxes. Your average weekly wage is based on your 13 full weeks of gross pay prior to your injury date.
- By law, your weekly benefit check has to be mailed during the pay period the check covers. For example: If your pay period is May 1 to May 7, the check can be mailed on May 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7. If the check is not mailed during that time, and we are representing you, we will ask for a 15 percent late penalty for the check not being mailed timely.
- Please save all check stubs, as we need the dates of your pay period to track all weekly benefit checks if they do not show up.
- Please try to wait until the end of your pay period — or at least four days after you would normally receive your check in the mail — before calling our office.
- Once you do call us and let us know that a weekly benefit check did not arrive, and it is actually late, then we will contact the workers’ compensation insurance company to begin tracking the check.
- We will continue contacting the relevant parties until the matter is resolved, and we will call you as soon as we have any information regarding your payment.
- Generally, though, you can expect your monetary benefits to be mailed promptly and within the established time frame.
For more information regarding workers’ compensation in Georgia, please see our Workers’ Comp FAQ.
Get A Free Consultation | Contact Us Today
Our attorneys advise and represent injured workers and their families throughout the Atlanta metro area. To arrange a free consultation, please call 404-692-7474 or send us an email. We can help you maximize your workers’ compensation benefits.
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